Monday, January 30, 2012


This year has been filled with excitement – some anticipated while others just happen along the way.

This week, the superbowl is happening all around me in my new city, Indianapolis!  The energy of the NFL is contagious!

Here are some pictures of this once in a lifetime opportunity:

Monday, January 16, 2012

"Our Lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter."
- Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday, December 30, 2011

heat # 26. an 8-minute heat. Ready, Set, Go!

Seat belts fastened, engines ignited, and off to the races! Last night, I experienced the thrill of real racing on a bi-level track with high speeds. Now, I’m pretty familiar with go karts and don’t have a problem with something new but this was an adventure I probably would not have participated in except for that I was given two complimentary passes. I’m glad I did. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

family roots.

My family has many traditions at Christmas time and I always look forward to each and every one of them. As important as they are, sometimes it is refreshing to stray from traditions in order to make room for spontaneity.

On Christmas Eve, after missing three different church services (oops, we did finally make it to one), our family found ourselves driving through memory lane. We drove up and down the hills of Cincinnati in order to drive by all of the former homes of my loving grandparents.

Through the years, we have heard one particular story that always gives everyone a laugh.

Ginny, my grandmother, was on a date in high school when my grandpa hid behind a bush to spy on her. He had a crush on her at the time and was jealous she was on a date with someone other than HIM!

I always had a certain image in my mind of how that story played out. On Christmas Eve Day, we drove past the houses that my grandparents grew up in, just 4 doors apart, and saw the bush that my grandpa hid behind.  It was cool to finally put a picture behind that story.  As we continued driving, my grandpa pointed out the cemetery where my great grandparents are buried. My cousin and I never saw this before and requested if we could go see the grave of our great-grandparents. Maybe this is kind of a morbid thing to do as a family on Christmas Eve Day but a powerful one at the least.

You could tell that it was difficult for my grandpa but important for all of us to experience together.

photos compliments of Tessa Joy

We had a very Merry Christmas filled with sentiment, laughter, and of course remembrance of the true reason for the season. Hope you did as well J. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

candy canes.

Have you ever wondered how candy canes are made? It never crossed my mind until I was taken to an old-fashioned candy shop, McCord’sCandies.  McCord’s Candies makes their candy canes by hand – every step of the process.  They have been making them since 1912, which clearly means they must be experts at making them to still be in business.   

Amazingly enough, I was able to witness how in fact they are made start to finish; I even got to hook my own candy cane!  Check out these pictures of the process: 

Monday, December 5, 2011

back to the roots.

With Christmas just around the corner there is no better way to get in the Christmas Spirit by cutting down your own Christmas tree!  Growing up I have always had a fake tree. Now that I’m on my own, it’s time to start my own traditions….real Christmas Tree time!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

expressing gratitude.

Even a few days after Thanksgiving day and all the reunions of homecoming I am still stuffed to the brim.   There is no place like home for the holidays. I am blessed. I am thankful!

A challenge from our former President John F. Kennedy as we leave another Thanksgiving meal behind:

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”